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ClariFix®: Long-Lasting Relief for Chronic Rhinitis Symptoms

Do you struggle with chronic nasal congestion, runny nose, or postnasal drip? Curious about how ClariFix® works and how long it takes to see results? Learn about this FDA-approved cryotherapy treatment, targeting the root cause of chronic rhinitis to provide long-lasting relief.

Chronic rhinitis can make everyday life uncomfortable by causing a runny nose, nasal congestion, and postnasal drip. If you’re one of the many adults affected by these persistent symptoms, ClariFix® offers a unique, FDA-approved solution to provide long-term relief. By addressing the underlying causes of rhinitis, ClariFix can help you regain comfort and breathe more easily.

What is Rhinitis?

Rhinitis is a condition that causes cold-like symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, and postnasal drip, but it isn’t triggered by allergens or hay fever.

Known as non-allergic rhinitis, this condition can leave you feeling worn down and uncomfortable. Differentiating it from hay fever can sometimes require allergy testing to rule out other causes.

Key Differences Between Rhinitis and Hay Fever:

  • Non-allergic rhinitis doesn’t cause itchy eyes, nose, or throat, which are common hay fever symptoms.
  • Unlike hay fever, rhinitis is not triggered by pollen, pet dander, or other allergens.
  • If left untreated, non-allergic rhinitis can lead to complications such as nasal polyps, chronic sinusitis, and ear infections.

How Does ClariFix Work?

ClariFix is a cutting-edge treatment for chronic rhinitis that uses cryotherapy to target the root of the problem — overactive nerves in the nose. Unlike nasal sprays and over-the-counter medications that only offer temporary relief, ClariFix works by cooling the inflamed tissue and nerves to stop the symptoms at their source.

How Cryotherapy Relieves Symptoms:

  • The ClariFix procedure delivers controlled cold temperatures to the nasal passages, reducing inflammation and restoring balance to the nerves responsible for congestion and postnasal drip.
  • By calming these nerves, ClariFix offers long-lasting symptom relief for four out of five patients who undergo the treatment.

ClariFix FAQs

Is ClariFix Right for You?

If you’re struggling with chronic rhinitis symptoms that haven’t improved with traditional treatments, ClariFix may be the solution you’ve been looking for. Our team at Mid-Michigan ENT can evaluate your condition and help determine if ClariFix is the right choice to provide you lasting relief. Don’t wait — call to schedule your appointment today.

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