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Basheer Sufyan, PA-C, DMSc


Basheer brings over a decade of clinical experience and is a certified instructor in Basic Life Support (BLS), Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS). His extensive clinical background is further enriched by his substantial contributions to medical education at Central Michigan University’s Health Science campus, where he has taught courses on infectious diseases, clinical medicine, and diagnostic procedures.

Basheer has also demonstrated a strong commitment to humanitarian work, providing compassionate care to refugees on a military base overseas. He is now excited to bring his extensive knowledge and experience to Mid-Michigan ENT, where he looks forward to contributing to the team and serving the community.

Education & Training

  • Bachelor of Science, Wayne State University, 2003
  • Master of Science, Biomedical Sciences, University of Toledo, 2012
  • Doctorate of Medical Science, Advanced Practice of Emergency Medicine, University of Lynchburg, 2018



  • McLaren Greater Lansing Hospital
  • University of Michigan Health-Sparrow


  • Graduated Summa Cum Laude from Wayne State University

Specializing In:

  • Advanced Practice of Emergency Medicine


East Lansing

1500 Abbot Rd #2East Lansing, MI 48823

Phone for East Lansing: 517.332.0100